
Outworld for Ants

399 SEK
Inklusive moms.

En Spännande Miniatyrvärld för Dina Myror

Upptäck den fulla potentialen av din myrskötsel med vår vackert designade Outworld. Detta viktiga tillskott till ditt formicarium erbjuder dina myror en dynamisk miljö för att leta efter mat och utforska, vilket perfekt simulerar deras naturliga beteenden.

  • Klar sikt utan synliga skruvar eller fästen
  • Smidigt lock med ventilationssystem
  • Ansluts till Nest-formicaria eller standardrör
  • Skapa ditt egna landskap

Vi är stolta över att presentera marknadens vackraste Outworld.

  • 1-3 dagars leveranstid inom Sverige
  • Endast 39 kr frakt

Outworld: En spännande miniatyrvärld för dina myror
Ge dina myror en fantastisk plats att utforska med vår noggrant designade Outworld. Detta tillägg till ditt formikarium erbjuder dina myror en dynamisk miljö att söka föda och utforska, vilket perfekt simulerar deras naturliga beteenden.

Expertmässigt hantverk
Outworld har en noggrant utformad plastbotten, tillverkad av vårt signaturmaterial – en blandning av 40% träfibrer och 60% biobaserad plast. Upphöjd på fyra stadiga ben, reser sig Outworld graciöst över formikariet och efterliknar hur myror naturligt rör sig från sina bon ut i den öppna världen.

Inspirerad av naturen
Basen av Outworld är prydd med ett intrikat, naturinspirerat mönster av linjer, vilket ger en visuellt tilltalande grund. Ovanpå denna bas står en ren akryllåda, sömlöst sammanfogad för en obehindrad vy över ditt miniatyrekosystem. Avsaknaden av skruvar eller fästen gör att ingenting distraherar från den fascinerande synen av dina myror i arbete.

Genomtänkta funktioner
Designad med både estetik och funktionalitet i åtanke, inkluderar Outworld:
- Organiskt lock: Ett vackert format lock med ett lättgreppat handtag gör det enkelt att lägga till mat eller andra föremål.
- Ventilationssystem: Ett sekundärt hål med ett avtagbart nätlock säkerställer optimal ventilation, vilket håller dina myror friska och aktiva.
- Sömlös Integration: Under bottenskiktet finns två diskreta kopplingar redo att länka din Outworld till vår Nest formikarier-serie eller till standardslangar (16mm). Denna mångsidiga anslutning säkerställer att dina myror har en smidig övergång från sitt bo till deras nya territorium.

Skapad din egen miniatyrvärld
En av de utmärkande egenskaperna hos Outworld är dess kapacitet för anpassning. Du kan förvandla utrymmet till vilken miljö du än föreställer dig – vare sig det är en frodig europeisk skog, en slående röd klippig dal eller till och med en urban trottoarscen. Denna anpassningsbarhet förbättrar inte bara den visuella attraktionskraften utan berikar också myrornas utforskningsupplevelse, vilket gör det till ett njutbart äventyr för både dig och dina myror.

Upplev skillnaden med Outworld
Förbättra din myrskötsel med Outworld, där design möter funktion. Det är inte bara en produkt; det är en inbjudan att skapa, utforska och förundras över myrornas intrikata värld. Låt din fantasi flöda och se hur dina myror trivs i deras nya, vackert utformade domän.

Beställ din Outworld idag och ta det första steget mot att förvandla din myrskötarresa till ett extraordinärt äventyr.


x1 Outworld (inklusive lock)
x2 Connectors
x1 Antgate Tube
x1 Antgate Connect

Längd: 14,2cm / 5.6"
Bredd: 10,2cm / 4"
Höjd: 10,2cm / 4"

Leverans och returer


Vi är ett svenskt företag och skickar därför självklart till Sverige.

Inom Sveriges gränser tar det mellan 1 till 3 arbetsdagar för en order att levereras från att den skickats. Vi skickar även internationellt. Använd vår chattfunktion här på sajten om du har specifika frågor om just din order. Vi använder PostNord för alla ordrar.


Vi har 30 dagars returrätt, vilket betyder att du har 30 dagar på dig efter att du mottagit varan att registrera din retur.

Läs mer här: Returer

Customer Reviews

Based on 21 reviews
Sam Stephens
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Exceptional Service and Top-Notch Products

I recently ordered from AntKeepers and was thoroughly impressed, not only with the quality of their products but also their outstanding customer service. While there was a small mistake with my order (a few parts were missing), they handled it brilliantly. As soon as I reached out, they apologised and sent out the missing items immediately, completely free of charge.

Mistakes can happen, but how a company handles them speaks volumes, and AntKeepers exceeded all expectations. Their swift response and professionalism show how much they value their customers.

The products themselves are fantastic—thoughtfully designed, high-quality, and perfect for any ant-keeping enthusiast, whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned keeper. I’ll absolutely be ordering from them again. Highly recommended!

Hi there Sam,

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a wonderful review. I truly apologize for the mistake with your order, but I'm glad that I could rectify it quickly and to your satisfaction. As you say, mistsakes can happen, and when they do we focus on fixing them quickly for you as a customer.

Also, a big thank you for your kind words about the products! We can't wait to see more from you and your colonies.

Joseph Jones
Great quality! 👍😃

I've just ordered this, so my review is a first impression, I can't yet speak about its long term use.
Regardless, It has impressed me!

Visuals: The product looks very good, much more appealing than a simple glass or plastic container. The lid and connecting formicaruim are very interesting to look at and have a lot of character over the usual square ones found online. The red glass covers are a nice addition to the formicaruim, allowing for easy viewing of the ants while not disturbing them too much.

Dimensions: these are as described but the measurements of the outworld seem to be excluding the lid and connecting ports. So it's a few cm bigger than advertised, but no complaints there!
(I've put a British £2 coin in the photo for scale)

Quality: the build appears strong and durable, the connections / lid fit very snuggly, a perfect match and it feels like good quality when handling it.

Longevity: as previously stated, this is just a first impression but I really like their additional port on the other side of the outworld which would make adding more formicaruims and outworlds easy. They also have different adaptors, one that is direct to their existing products and also a pipe connector so you can add their products to something else if needed.

Postage and communication from the seller: Excellent on both accounts. I was aware of when my package had set off and was sent tracking info. It arrived slightly earlier than expected too. The product arrived well wrapped and in excellent condition.

Cons: the opening into the outworld is a little small, so I had to use tweezers to decorate and I will have to do the same with feeding the ants. Not to worry though as the additional feeding tray supplied comes with a convenient long handle for easier access. I'm not 100% sure how easy it would be if I had to clean inside the outworld, again I presume tweezers would be needed.
I'm a little worried about disturbing the ants by opening the ports on the formicaruim to add water. Though these are easy enough to open and a very nice touch. If I were being really picky I would have had a small hole in the top of them to put water in via a syringe. It would have been a nice touch, but regardless, I love the easy access idea and ability to replace the sponge if needed.

Overall: a brilliant product, I would highly recommend it. I'm very happy with all the major aspects of this and I will be happy to purchase from ant keepers again in the future.

Please note: The decorations inside the outworld in the photo are my own and the photo was taken just prior to adding the ants.

Hi there! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a detailed and positive review of our Outworld for Ants. We're thrilled to hear that you're happy with the quality and design of the product, as well as our customer service and shipping. We apologize for any inconvenience with the smaller opening and we have already taken this into consideration and increased the size of the next version of the product. As for cleaning, we recommend using a small brush or cotton swab to avoid disturbing the ants too much. Thank you again for your feedback and happy ant-keeping! 😊 /Linus

Yahya Abd Qayum

We very satisfied the product, we will continue order the other part to complete Nest of ants.

Nathanael Joseph
Beautiful Outworld

This outworld was the perfect size for my ant queen and five workers. I was really pleased with the fact that there wasn't any rubber bands or slots securing the walls together, just crystal clear adhesive that makes the Outworld look like one piece. It was a little hard to clean and put larger stuff in though, as the top is the only access point. I also like that there are two attachment points.

Loke Strand
Bra kvalitet!

Bra kvalitet, känns gedigen och myrorna gillar att hämta sin mat där!

Reviews in Other Languages

Janine Shull

Was worth the wait. Can't wait for my ants to move in after thier diapause. They are going to love it.

Fantastic, Janine! If you are up for it, feel free to share some photos of your ants when they explore their new world. Good luck with them, and welcome back to us when you need to expand. /Linus

Liam Rowe
Antkeepers are amazing

I have 2 orders from Antkeepers now, and it's amazing. From the delivery time down to the quality of the product itself. Keep up the great work :)

Thank you so much Liam, for your orders and your very nice review. Happy to have you as a loyal customer. Good luck with your ants! /Linus

Théo F.
Design parfais !

Enfin un design de nid de fourmi qui ne ressemble pas à un laboratoire !

Merci pour vos gentils mots ! Nous sommes ravis que vous aimiez le design de l’Outworld. C’est un plaisir de savoir qu’il se démarque et ne donne pas l’impression d’un laboratoire – nous voulions créer quelque chose à la fois fonctionnel et unique pour les éleveurs de fourmis. Merci encore pour votre retour !


Thank you for your kind words! We’re so glad you love the design of the Outworld. It’s great to hear that it stands out and doesn’t feel like a lab setup—we wanted to create something both functional and unique for ant keepers. Thanks again for your feedback!
