The ant colony

Lifecycle of an Ant Colony
Ant colonies can exist for years or even decades. And the colony lifecycle differs depending on species and environment.

Ant Nests
Some ants might prefer the confines of a great tree, while others would rather build a nest directly in the ground. Let’s have a look at some of the most common ant nests.

Why Live in Colonies?
Why do ants live in colonies? Why don’t the workers lay their own eggs, instead of focusing all their energy on their mother and siblings? Social evolution!

The Ant Hill
Every ant hill is unique. What they have in common is that they’re extremely well built with systems for temperature, climate and ventilation.

Climate in the Colony
Important factors for a successful colony is good levels of heat and moisture. The climate affects everything from the ants themselves to tunnels and colony brood.

Ant Territories
Ant colonies can control vast areas in which they hunt and gather supplies that they bring back to the nest. But ant colonies almost always have to fight off other ants to defend their territory.

Social Parasites
Even though ants seem to have defences against many of the life-threatening parasites on earth, some of them still make their way into the colony.

Ants are famous for being one of natures’ first farmers. Among many activities, they herd aphids and use seeds to grow fungus gardens.

As an antkeeper, it's essential to mimic the natural conditions of your ants’ environment, and for species from regions with cold winters, that means hibernation.